FindWindowByTitle seems to be completely gone... i used this in 2 of my installers to close prgrams beforte updating... anyone know how to accomplish the old 'FindWindowByTitle Close' with the new commands?
Archive: why?!?
FindWindowByTitle seems to be completely gone... i used this in 2 of my installers to close prgrams beforte updating... anyone know how to accomplish the old 'FindWindowByTitle Close' with the new commands?
here is an example from the Utility functions
Function CloseWinamp
Push $0
FindWindow $0 "Winamp v1.x"
IntCmp $0 0 done
SendMessage $0 16 0 0
Sleep 100
Goto loop
Pop $0
Re: why?!?
Originally posted by KreftThe FindWindow is now general enough to do it. Lookie here:
FindWindowByTitle seems to be completely gone... i used this in 2 of my installers to close prgrams beforte updating... anyone know how to accomplish the old 'FindWindowByTitle Close' with the new commands?
thanks justin, seems like a bit more work than before though...
One problem I'm having with this one. I used to have a FindWindowByTitle inside the uninstall section, but since I can't put a function inside a section, I can't get this to work now. Does anyone have any ideas??
Originally posted by prodangleYou can rename the function un.CloseItDammit, or just put this code directly into your uninstall section:
One problem I'm having with this one. I used to have a FindWindowByTitle inside the uninstall section, but since I can't put a function inside a section, I can't get this to work now. Does anyone have any ideas??
Originally posted by KreftYep, but it makes the exe header smaller anyway, and allows for a finer control of functinoality.
thanks justin, seems like a bit more work than before though...
Originally posted by justinDOH!
...or just put this code directly into your uninstall section: ...