12th October 2001 13:52 UTC
ok i've tried to compile nsis, but i always getting a linker error
Main.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes Symbol __imp__InitCommonControls@0
maybe my vs 6 has some problems ...
but maybe one have already done a german version of nsis ?
if please tell me where to get .
12th October 2001 15:23 UTC
ok after changing to vs 7 beta 2 i've got it.
now my selfmade german version runs ...
but how about a multilanguage version of nsis ?
i dont want to recompile it everytime when a new nsis is out there.
it would be good if the multilanguage support is already included and only a simple textfile (like in winamp3) is needed to have an own language ....