Archive: mr. justin frankel

mr. justin frankel
just wondering if you have had a chance to pickup my GUI (slate blue) for NSIS .

if so, what do you think? any opinions on it would be nice, so i can see where i should go from here.

thanks for any response :),

Heh yeah I played with it a little bit..
Seems cool, but I'm and oldsch00ler who wants to edit
his scripts with VIm. :)



how can i incorporate nsis into my program without using the command line makensis.exe? perhaps you can help me with a bit of coding or something. ideally the gui would show the nsis messages in its own debug window, rather than popping up makensis.exe.

thanks A LOT for responding,

Hmm not sure what the best way to integrate would be...
You could actually make a version of makensis.exe that wasn't a console app, but a win32 gui app, that you could have send status text to a HWND, or something.. you're using VB right? not sure what integration issues there are...


thanks for the help!

keep up the good work on everything :) (enter kiss-ass mode)


See some of my examples.. a while ago I posted a basic text editor compiled with the makensis code. Also I added a new function to my dll which my help.. the only reason I cant help is that I dont know VB.. setting a callback function for the text output anyone ?


I think was the version with a notepad type thing with it, but it is only version 144. I think I uploaded the source code with that aswell ..

and ermm Justin, why not emacs ?

Borland Delphi does support callback functions (not sure if with DLL's).
VB also supports callback functions - but it makes the IDE unstable, that's why I never use it.
A simple Delphi project which compiles (calls the dll) and shows it in a form is possible, and that the Delphi DLL is called by VB. Only issue here is size because a simple Delphi program is 350 KB.


can you make the dll write the status text to a .txt file so i can read it into my gui, instead of using makensis.exe? i also need to know how to call the dll correctly.


liquidmotion, VB supports callbacks and if you would like me to show you how to do it I will. It's pretty simple.

Originally posted by justin
Heh yeah I played with it a little bit..
Seems cool, but I'm and oldsch00ler who wants to edit
his scripts with VIm. :)

Remember, you need oldsch00l wintel. You should be using edlin because it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cooler than VIm. ;)

please show me how:
