Archive: Shortcut with Parameters?

Shortcut with Parameters?

I'm no Newbie with NSIS but with I have a problem with my current Project.
I want to create a Shortcut. I've used the following Instruction:

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\target.lnk" "$INSTDIR\target.exe $INSTDIR\target.cfg"

The Shortcut is beeing created but don't work properly. Because the Shortcut looks like
"C:\Programme\target.exe C:\Programme\target.cfg".

If i manually remove the Quotes then the Shortcut works but i don't know how to modify the
CreateShortCut Line to prevent using of Quotes.

I'm compiling on Win98 SE.

Any help is appreciated.

And btw Justin can you change the Installer, that any Section can be a required one?

In the current Version (1.59) only the First Section is required but these always.

I know that there is the possibility to make a Section invisible but it's good to let
the people know what is required and what not.

CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\target" "$INSTDIR\target.exe" 'target.cfg' this will do what you are asking for.. i don't think this is in the documentation since haven't looked at it for a bit.. But i use it for my installers that need links and works just fine.. And i second about being able to make any section required and still show up. maybe have something like SectionReq yes command like the SectionIn for each section. And also make the first section selectable.. Right now to get around this i just make a bogus section with the title of the program in it.. whichout any options or anything inside it.