Archive: Program icon group

Program icon group

Can you please add a dialog that asks the user for the directory in which to put the icons group?


This idea was discussed a long time ago - and most folks (including myself) tended to agree that the fact that this is not possible makes using an NSIS installer a far more pleasant experience for the end user.
I don't think anyone has ever thought of a way to implement this which does not confuse most users. You'll know what I'm talking about if you ever saw someone who's very new to computing use a Wise installer - lots of folks I know have completely messed up start menus, mainly because they don't understand that concept. They decide to put your program into Accessories, and your main icon, the readme, the help file, & the uninstaller all end up in the same directory as Notepad, Calculator and Paint.
Dunno if the subject will be back up for debate again though...

The solution to this problem is very simple. Just automatically add "\group name" to the selected group.

if you're going to do that, then there is no real benefit in letting the user choose the group, and that part of an install process, as simple as it may be, does confuse a lot of new users.

S'pose just cos I wouldnt use it doesnt make it a bad idea in all scenarios tho. I'm just chucking in my thoughts

Quite frankly, if the end user is smart enough to know where he wants the program group to go, he is smart enough to move it there.

If the user doesn't understand the relationship between the Start Menu and folders on the hard drive, you can only confuse him with an option like you describe.

I am strongly against including this feature in NSIS.

I agree, I remember discussing this awhile ago. A nicer thing to do is open the window representing where you installed the files. Then the advanced user can rearrange the icons to their liking. On the Other Hand, I had a user at my day job call me up this past week because the window that opened up showing the start menu icons confused her. So you can't win. Just try hard to explain everything that you do very clearly, whichever course you decide to go.
