Archive: slate blue screens - new

slate blue screens - new

let me know what i can/should change before i get too deeply devoted to this layout.


I must confess I prefer using notepad/vi for my own NSIS scriptin', but I definately can see slate blue has it's uses. Here's some of my thoughts on it, mainly after looking at the 2 screenshots.

Under the Property column it looks like you are using the same terms used within NSIS scripts. If Slateblue's primary purpose is to let people who can't be bothered learning how to put NSIS scripts together make NSIS installers, then I think you should change all of these terms within Slate blue too. Maybe the 'SilentInstall' property would be friendlier if it was a piece of text saying 'Do not show installer' with a checkbox next to it. Maybe a tooltip to explain this even further. BGGradient could appear as a coloured gradient, with say a paint tub at either side. Clicking on the paint tub could bring up the Standard windows colour selector, allowing one to choose a colour for each side of the line, and maybe a checkbox further along to completely disable it.

I think an approach like this accross the whole program would make the program far more useful. As it stands, it is only really usable by someone who's taken the time to figure out all the bits&bobs involved in writing NSIS scripts, and this type of potential user would probably prefer to write his/her own scripts anyway. These are just my initial thoughts on it, as always I could be far from correct...

Apart from that - your doing a bloody good job. I had a play with one of the first versions of Slateblue, and I can now see it's came along a massive amount since then. Keep at it man... Don't finish it too early

Hope this is the sort of critisism you were looking for.

thank you, can i have some more
that was how the original SB appeared; it was more static and less dynamic. in this upgrade i was going for something like adobe golive, where it allows the current item to be edited but also describe it.

perhaps i can have "advanced mode" and "normal mode", where advanced users get the makensis.htm description and normal users get the simple description.

sound ok? thanks again

Love the new look of the IDE! I can't wait. How long do you think it will be until you will release it? If it is soon, ok, but I wanted to corresponde the NSISPH launch with this (Just thought of it, what do you think??). But other than that, I can't wait!!!!!


when were you expecting to launch the project house? if you could give me a timeframe to work on that'd be nice :) - spunds like a cool idea.

the main problem is time: while i'm attending high school SB only gets worked on during the weekends, late nite.

if i could find a vb developer who can donate some time to the project, i could unload some of my work onto him or her, and I would then be allowed to work on other parts of SB.

lemme know,