Archive: NSIS and litestep .rc's

NSIS and litestep .rc's
Hi... I use NSIS to install my litestep distro, Ancylus.
NSIS is great, but i wish that you could make it write to a litestep .rc file like it writes to an ini file.
the differens is that in an ini file it writes:

and in an rc file you want it to skipp the = so it writes:
blabla yadayada

Is this possible or could you get the programmers to make it do this?


The new NSIS 1.60beta versions have support for the general-purpose funcions, FileRead, FileWrite, FileSeek, etc. I think that they will work for you, though it may take a bit of time to write the NSIS-script functions that will abstract .RC entry lines away from raw file I/O.

Ok, but how do i do that?