6th November 2001 00:18 UTC
Launching an .exe after install?
Ok guys, I need to launch an .exe file that has a seperate configuration for my app and I tried:
Function .onInstSuccess
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Congrats, it worked. Set Up Evars?" IDNO NoEvar
Exec "$INSTDIR\EvarSetup.exe"
The message box pops up, but it doesn't launch the app? Is there something else I have to do since this .exe just got installed? Or should I move that function to the end of my .nsi? I'm sure that doesn't matter cause it's called after installation, but I'm lost? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
6th November 2001 01:03 UTC
further debugging
Well, that little function only works if my $INSTDIR has no spaces. Hence, it won't let me install to C:\Program files\ and then run an app from there. I have quotes around it so I figured that would work, but alas, it does not.
Lion King
6th November 2001 01:37 UTC
Function .onInstSuccess
"Setup has completed. View readme file now?" \
IDNO NoReadme
ExecShell open '$INSTDIR\makensis.htm'
from makensis.nsi example
looks like you used the wrong quotes
6th November 2001 03:52 UTC
Exec '"$INSTDIR\whatever.exe"'
the outer quotes (') set the token, and " actually gets put in the string.
Lion King
6th November 2001 04:12 UTC
i should have looked through all example scripts :D
6th November 2001 06:47 UTC
even more lost...
Justin... seems to me that I did put
Exec "$INSTDIR\whatever.exe"
except my case is:
Exec "$INSTDIR\EvarSetup.exe"
I don't see a difference?
It's not a real big issue as my installer doesn't default to a folder with spaces, but I would like it to work if people change that.
Lion King
6th November 2001 08:02 UTC
o.k. this time with spaces: ' " $ I N S T D I R / E v a r S e t u p . e x e " '
btw. ExecShell open '$INSTDIR\makensis.exe' worked for me, makensis.exe was in c:\program files\nsis, but justin showed you the recommended way
6th November 2001 08:52 UTC
tired and stupid
Ok, sorry lionking, i'm an idiot :o
I didn't see the lil ' things there... thanks for the help