Archive: NSIS Workbench 1.00 release 4

NSIS Workbench 1.00 release 4
I've just uploaded release 4 which contains a few requested changes:

Auto-set the MakeNSIS.exe path on first run.
Allow the background colour of the script editor to be changed.
Britsh English spelling option in options screen.

Same URL:


WOW !!! This is one slick nsi editor !!!
Keep up the good work !

I just told Justin about this personnaly :p

Thanks for that, glad you like it. I was quite pleased with the end result but it's always nice to hear from others.


heh, no prob :)
Planning to add more stuff?

I'm looking at adding more options to the new project wizard over the weekend. Other than that, not sure yet. If anyone has any suggestions let me know.

cool, thanks for the british english option :)

You can add more sniplets
there about 10 more in Justin's Functions.htm :p

Yay! Thanks again for the changes... Lookin really good now!

Another possible idea - add to the Functions list (or in a separate list?) the directives (!ifdef, !packhdr, etc). Maybe split the functions into different sections? (InstDir, InstDirRegKey, etc in one section; CreateDirectory, File, etc in another, etc.)

I'm currently making my colour setup quite comprehensive. I know you've said before that you're not too keen on going overboard with the syntax highlighting, but maybe all the definitions could be set up, but with all the same colours by default.

I'll post my copy here when I've done anyway.


Dave Laundon.

I was initially going to go for a categorised function list (tree view) but decided against it, it's sometimes quicker to scan down the functions than to remember/work out which category the command is in. After all there's not that many functions.

I'll add the !directives in the same way as I've added the $paths, so that you're presented with the different options if you double click on ! in the functions list or type !.

If you post your NSIS.SCH when you've customized it then I'll add that to my next release, thanks.


OK, here ya go.

I've added a keywords section for all the different options/switches etc too (ifnewer, MB_ICONSTOP, nevershow etc). Thought I'd give it a try, but not sure if I'll keep it in mine or not yet. Probably be a pain to keep up to date :-)

Oh, and I've taken out all my colours (for use with a dark background) and set them to be more 'normal' again!


Another quick idea -

When doing a Ctrl-Q QuickInfo, make the Help tab visible if the Compiler Output is currently hiding it?

Ta :)


I've incorporated the suggestions and added a few other bits. Here's a list of changes so you can decide if you want to download it.

1. The "Completed" text can now be specified in the new project wizard.
2. The text on the "Show Details" button can now be set in the new project wizard.
3. ! directives have been added to the function list. Double clicking on the ! in the functions list now displays a pick list of available directives. Alternately you can type !. in the script window
4. If the Compiler Output is currently being displayed and you select Quick Help the help page is now displayed.
5. The functions from functions.htm have been added to the code snippets.
6. Code templates !if (expands to !if !endif) and !ife (expands to !if !else !endif) have been added.
7. Code snippets are now inserted so that they only require one Undo to remove them, previously you had to do an Undo for each line of the code snippet.
8. Undo toolbar button and menu item now become disabled when there is no more to undo.
9. The first function per letter in the function list is now highlighted in bold by default. This can turned off via the options screen.
10. Added incremental function search edit box above function list. Once the required function has been found it can be inserted in to the script editor by pressing Enter. Pressing Esc clears the entry, it is also automatically cleared when it receives focus (is entered). It's keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+1.

Available from the usual URL


whered he go george?!?
the link is down :(

Try now.

I like the incremental search :) but I don't see the '!' in the functions list..


Must have forgot to copy the new functions table over to my release folder. It's attached.


Ta for that.

I've been playing about with an NSIS script to parse out and list all the NSIS function names from the source code so that they can be 'Load'ed into NSIS Workbench's syntax highlighter. Thought it might be handy for keeping things up to date when NSIS changes!

NSIS is one powerful piece of kit! :)

Dave Laundon.

Thanks Dave,

That will save people a chunk of typing.


If you're syntax highlighting then you really need to turn the Strings scheme on, even if you leave the font as black. Otherwise keywords or ;'s within strings get highlighted which isn't really what you want. Apart from the currently defined " you obviously should also set up ' and `


Tip : wouldn't it be a lot better to have thel ine numbers in de gray zone instead of in the white typing zone ...
Would be al ot better that way...

Don't know what you're talking about the line numbers are in the editors gutter where you'd expect them to be, not going to change.

gonna mockup a pic to show you what i mean...

Hello, mkeeley.

Exellent program for NSIS script dev.!!!


(1) I want to support 2-bytes Asia language input.

currently, indirect input of Korean characters.

(2) Add option for end of line marker & end of file marker.

currently, do not show eof, eol marker on text area.

add 'View' of menu tab.

v End of line
v End of file

eof mark (like *** End of File ***)
eol mark (user defined char.)

(3) I want command line file open with FNSIS. :)

fnsis.exe "example.nsi"

Fnsis don't start with "example.nsi".

(4) add bookmark function.

F9 : Toggle marker current line.
Ctrl+Shift+F9 : Clear all markers.
F4 : Goto Next marker.
Shift+F4 : Goto Previous marker.

Shift+F3 : Find Previous



Not sure about 2 byte characters I'll have to investigate.

Don't know what you mean by end of line/eof markers, end of line is CR/LF could you explain some more.

I'll have a look at adding it to the context menu.



The line numbers won't be moving from where they are or changing their look as they're taken care of by the memo control. The only thing that can be altered is the gutters background colour (and probably the line number font) or turning them off completely. Sorry.

Originally posted by mkeeley

The line numbers won't be moving from where they are or changing their look as they're taken care of by the memo control. The only thing that can be altered is the gutters background colour (and probably the line number font) or turning them off completely. Sorry.
Oh ic...
Well what I meaded was this :
It would be nicier if the numbers where in gray zone ...
But if that's impossible it's ok :)

Don't know how you got them to display there, can't get them to here, they do normally display in the grey zone (gutter).

Anyone else have them displayed outside the gutter?

Weird :p
I use WinXP Prof, if that info can be of any help...

Btw, what language is this coded in?

Originally posted by mkeeley
Anyone else have them displayed outside the gutter?
Yes. Didn't think anything of it though until now.

Here's mine (Win2000 prof. sp2)


I'm also running XP, I'm thinking that perhaps the memo control is using the registry to save settings, although they don't mention that in the documentation.

I've uploaded a replacement .EXE that hard codes the property that places the line numbers in the gutter in case it is indeed being overwritten at run-time, see if that helps.

It's coded in Delphi


Cool that fixed it ! :D

Delphi? Fine :)
I was fearing VB :p

Works here too :)


That's good, I've changed things to prevent it writing out to the registry. It was creating HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dream Company, which you can delete (was going to delete it in the install but decided against it in case someone has the Dream Company controls installed).

I've uploaded an new fnsetup.exe which includes that fix.

I've fixed just fixed a couple of reported bugettes:

The new project wizard was setting SetOverwrite No, should have been Off and the UninstallIcon was being set to the InstallIcon value.

I've also added a check for update option under the help menu that checks the web site for a new version and downloads if required.

I'll upload it in a few days.


Are you still developing this?

As I mentioned, I think its one of the best out there... and just wondered if you were going to continue to update it.



Hello Kris

Partly depends on whether the other "New GUI" project gets anywhere and if it does how good it is. If they doesn't start it or it isn't very good then I'll probably do some more updates as time allows.


Thanks Mark.

I'm hoping the new one is crap. ;)

Also, can you tell me if the new 1.8 version of NSIS works ok with the last version of your GUI?

Also, is the last/latest version available from the usual url and/or does it need any separate files or have you already repacked them?

Thanks for the response too.




It just seemed like I might be wasting my time doing much more work on this if they do a good job on that version. Also I was waiting to see if anyone was going to have a bash at making NSIS look a bit more up to date (from the end users point of view), as it stands I can only see myself using it for freeware bits and pieces. The more I'd use it the more work I'd probably do on the front end or a MKII.

Haven't tried 1.8, don't know of any reason why it wouldn't work. The only thing is that, obviously, any new functions or syntax changes need adding to the functions list (not that it stops it from working if you don't).

The latest version, 1.00.07, is at the same URL and it's a complete release. It has a Check For New Version option in the Help menu to check for and download any updates.



Thanks for the info Marc.

Again, keep up the great work, whenever you decide to start again.

Also, what version of NSIS is fully compatible with the latest version of your GUI? (eg: Support the full syntax/functions list that your GUI does)



Think 1.67 is, haven't kept track of what's changed since that version so depends if later releases were just bug fixes or added/changed functions.

Thanks Marc