Feature request: widgets text accessible at run-time
Widgets text is accessible at compile-time, allowing you a medium degree of customization and localization. But if you want to release a program in 6 (six) languages you have to put on-line 6 differents installations. I you have more than one version available at same time, you have to multiply that by 2, 3,.. too much space for the today restrictive free accounts (you can get about 15MB).

I propose to have all those widgets text (caption or what else you call'em) accessible at run-time. How, I don't care, it can be in the form of a function, variables or a matrix. I know it's not hard to do.

Why, the answer is easy: because we can load the required strings from a INI file. The only thing you need is a program that let you (or the user) choose the right INI file in a very easy way. Well, you're a lucky man, I've just code a litle piece of code (well, someone can say 'of shit') that do this work (it is attached as a .ZIP file).

The progy I've attached to this program (read REAME.TXT into the .zip file for more info) ask the user to choose a language from the ones avaliable (maked available by the packager). The files that descibe each language are simply INI files so can contain the string for ever localized installation and also can be loaded by NSIS. After the user have pused OK button or duoble clicked on the list the INI file corresponding with the choosen language will be renamed into a easily accesible INI file. The proggie have the ability to choose the default language language just asking Windows for the users system language. For more information read the REAME.TXT file.

The .Zip file contains both source (main directory) and binaries (lcc directory), and language description sample files (in lcc\lang).

If you decide to incorporate these feature to NSIS I will continue improving this program, esle I will try to customize NSIS for me.

Thanks for such a great installer and sorry for my (bad) english.