20th November 2001 07:05 UTC
NSIS Documentation
Replaces the default details button text of "Show details", if parameter is specified (otherwise the default is used).
I've noticed this in the last few versions. Take a look at the Uninstall Configuration part of the Installer Attributes section. I've uploaded it here for convenience.
4th February 2002 08:58 UTC
Alex Goes Crazy with the Formatting Controls
:mad: :eek: :confused: :hang: :igor: :down:
I just thought I'd bring this up again, because all this useless incorrect deceiving information is still in the NSIS Documentation three months later!
:mad: :eek: :confused: :hang: :igor: :down:
It makes a whole section of the documentation unreadable! Please remove it sometime soon!
:mad: :eek: :confused: :hang: :igor: :down: