Archive: slate blue v1.0 preview download

slate blue v1.0 preview download

this is a working preview, but does not contain any OCX files.


First, I would like to say that this is awesome. Good job. I have to admit, your wizard was much better than mine. There are a couple of problems with the wizard, however. A couple of the back buttons and the exit button don't work. Also, in my wizard there was a start menu creator. Could that be added in there somewhere. Good job with the guy though. It's wonderful.:)

thx man, i'll add the start menu creator and fix those bugs before the final rlz on dec 15th.

thx again

Hi. I've seen slate blue before and like it. Anyway I've written an app known as cEdit ( or (

It uses a control (codemax) for syntax highlighting. Anyway I built in support for the nsis language so if you want to have a look at it and strip bits you need from it to enhance your program feel free.

what a very generous offer. thank you much. i have also seen cEdit, and have to say it's great. i am hesitant, however, to include any OCX files that aren't needed. maybe the codemax ocx is needed :)

thanks again,

Well probably not needed but it's an awesome control and it's opensource/free so both are solid aspects in it's favor. I was actually thinking of generating a plugin for cEdit to use to generate nsis scripts but I saw you already had something good going I couldn't see the point :)

good point.

maybe we should collaborate on a project sometime :)

Might be cool. Perhaps you could create a slate blue plugin for cEdit. You'd be more than welcome to have a link to your site on it. You can contact me at :)

I'd also like to know how you caught the output of the compiler. Thats pretty cool :)

First off .... :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There were a few runtime errors, but hey, get those worked out and you have a Prog you can be proud of.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Capturing the stdout & stderr from a console program is just a matter of creating pipes, setting their handle in a startupinfo struct, executing the program and reading from the handle to get the text.

Just to be sure when you say runtime errors are you referring to slateblue or cEdit? Just wanna be positive :)

what were the runtime errors, and when did they occur?

ackbar: i used the nsis dll provided by the great pjw62, which returns the compiler info via an hWND.


Yeah I read some info on the pipe's like suggested above and managed to write some code along with thread's to catch a shell's output :)


can you (liquidmotion, pjw62, ...) please tell me how to get the NSIS-compiler dll?
On which version of NSIS is the dll based?
Is it difficult to make so an dll of a new (future versions) of NSIS?
Are the changes at NSIS to get a NSIS dll OpenSource?

Thank you very much for your help!
