Archive: Compiling NSIS

Compiling NSIS
Hello experts,

I'd like to compile NSIS. I get an exehead.exe fine, but what are the next steps to take? I assume that I now need to build makensis somehow?

Thanks for your help,

If you are using the msvc++ project files, it should do all the following for you.

If however, you are writing your own makefile, read on :)

you need to 'bin2h' it.. that is run Justin's program to create a header file with the information for makensis in it.


in my makefile I just use the following to do it all for me


echo linking ...
echo bin2h'ing
mkdir Release
bin2h exehead.exe Release\exehead.h header_data
bin2h bitmap1.bmp Release\bitmap1.h bitmap1_data
bin2h bitmap2.bmp Release\bitmap2.h bitmap2_data
bin2h nsis.ico Release\icon.h icon_data
bin2h uninst.ico Release\unicon.h unicon_data

note; you can open the project files in a text editor to see what post build commands need to be performed.

Hmm, since he already got exehead, he probably stubled over same, i did when compiling makensis the first time ;) :
The link-output of Release settings is ../makensis.exe. So just have a look one dirlevel above your current source dir.


Thanks guys, problem is fixed: I did not choose the active configuration to build makensis release, but by default exehead debug seemed to be selected...

Thanks a lot,
