New L-NSIS version (NSIS with text setting at run-time) (CUSTOM version)
Hi, here comes a new version of L-NSIS, version 1.67.1, its based on NSIS 1.67. (L for localizable, I needed something to say its not the original NSIS, but a modification).
Before all, say I'm sorry for the piece of shit I upload a few days ago. This version is smaller, complete and a relase version. (previous one was a test version I made & fogot to recompile).
From now version numering will be NSIS_MAYOR.NSIS_MINOR.L-NSIS_VERSION.
download here and rename to .exe. (Geocities doesn't allows to upload executables directly).
Please if you like it, report bugs, suggestions, whatever you think in to improve it (I mean releated to SetText & run-time localization). I'm thinking on a ReadLicenseDataFromFile function, what do you think about ?.
It's another history but... Today, in my country (Spain), two people (a policeman and a policeman wife) has been killed by Vaske Terrorists (wrongly called "Vaske Independentits" in some countries outside Spain). Let's call things by its name, let's call'em killers.
New in this version:
* Partially rewrite code
+ Text are processed before be setted (for example if you write $0 as second parameter to SetText it will be extend to the content of $0), Except for FileErrorText & LicenseData, they must be written as you want they to appear in the screen.
+ Most Install & uninstalls text are supported (installation types texts & sections text not supported *YET*)
+ Included an external program program to let user to choose installation language (it's optional & makes L-NSIS to be a bit slower on init after choosing language, it's due to the script used to load language strings, it must wait to an INI file to be ready).
+ L-NSIS packaged made with L-NSIS & localized to Spanish (both english & spanish are supported in the same installation). Uff, now I'm thinking about... if you see 'French' don't choose it, it isn't yet supported (all the messages will appear in english).
+ Added loadlang.nsh a script to load all the avaliable texts from an INI file.
- No updates in the GUI, this means that if you set a text while it's in the screen it will not be referesh (it will be changed internally but not in the screen). Working on it.