Archive: NSIS Project House ... Update

NSIS Project House ... Update
Ok, this is something bad.

1) Laptop, after thanksgiving weekend, stoped running. The Hard Drive could not be found and I had lost the entire NSIS Project House site.

2) I will be going in for surgery next week and I cannot get the site started again.

So, I am asking you, if you can, could you help me create the site. The requirements are as follows: You need to know how to code PHP-based pages, use and create MySQL tables and produce an great site in little time. I hope to have the site up by New Years, and I will be working on some of the coding. E-mail me if you want to help.


Ok, now some good news.

1) After having surgery, I was rehabbing and I wrote a PHP Script (with the help of Justin ... God He Is great) for a NSI Script Archive. It is now being tested and I will upload some screenies tomorrow.

2) I might have mentioned this before, but I have created some NSIS Mailing Lists. Now that we are getting lots of people joining the NSIS Revolution, this would be great for people to join.

There is:
This is for Developers of NSIS products. If you sign up for the non-Batched Digests, you will get up-to-the-minute info on NSIS products from the developers themselves. If you have news on a product, E-mail to submit news.

This is for the users of NSIS. The idea for this is to provide information to other developers using NSIS for their installation.
E-mail to submit news.

3) SourceForge has been gracious to provide forums for the Project House, but I will use it Only for NSIS Project House Website problems. Any Developer Help will goto this forum.

Any other help, you may e-mail me at


Yet another update
Hello and Happy New Year :cool:

After much careful consideration ... I have decided to not take an advisory role in the Website for NSIS Project House. I am still going to be the project admin, but I will just be looking in and helping with problems and I will be writing documents for the help on NSIS. This news has not been told to anyone and in fact, this will be the first time anyone will know this. This news comes with the new Admin to the project, our own Koen van de Sande. He has and will continue to work on the website. He has been given Webmaster Admin status with some restrictions. Hopefully he will take the project website and make it much better than what I can give you guys. On a plus side, Koen has made an barebones website that will continue to grow. If you want to see it, goto .


I would just use a prebuilt site like PostNuke . That way, the site will be easy to maintain.


Don't know about PostNuke, don't know what it is. Anyway, yes I'm writing the scripts for the site. Once that is done I'm not sure if I'll be able to do much due to time limits. But I hope to get the bulk of the site ready before the end of my holiday.

Happy New Year everyone! :)

postnuke and phpnuke is a cool cms
u don't need to code (only if u want)
but u will need a mysql database

if u have one then its easy
there is a memberarea included
and u have modules like a forum and much more

u can choose themes and make also your own

i have set up a site with phpnuke and this works fine

maybe its a little bit too big ?

Well, what we needed was a database of NSIS projects and I know that PHPNuke doesn't have the ability to do what we wanted to do. If it were that easy, I would have put it on there and that would be it, but I wanted something more personal and appealing ... Thanks though.


yeah u have to code a php module for a cvs like database bec. the default download module is not so good

and when u start to code a module u can also have a complete new
which have exactly the abilitiies that u want