Archive: feature request

feature request
hi folks

i need an option for a free designable window.

now i make my questions with messageboxes but thats not so fine i think

i would like to use a question with multiple choises or radiobuttons or so
like in other installers


free choice of options
number of radiobuttons
number of checkboxes
more ?

the text should be free

then i could input this into my functions

thanks a lot for help or suggestions

You should use Contrib\Install Options. You can do all of the things you wanted but graphics. Maybe graphics will make a nice addition :D

but i wanted to have some action before / after Contrib\Install Options

ok it works also there but it would be nicer to have it extra ...


title : install finished

(branding image)


create desktop icon
show readme
start program now



I can't help you with the image, but Install Options can do all the other things.
Just call it in .onInstSuccess, or in one of the sections and work according to its input.

Hi Crish,

you could use WriteINIStr before and ReadINIStr after InstallOptions within your NSIS script

~ Florian

fwiw, graphics are on the way. I have a couple of additions which are nearly complete.


sounds like InstallOptions Is the answer to all of our questions!

WA3 and NSIS Rock

will try this

maybe image support comes in 1.9 ...

but maybe can help me

you may know this :

Function .onInit
MessageBox MB_YESNO "This will install. Continue?" IDYES NoAbort
Abort ; causes installer to quit.

and instead of this ( i think ugly) msgbox i would use the main window (just for having the same style)

is this possible ????

if not can this be included ?

i'm not so experienced in c programming ...

but i think thats not so hard to program


ok i've got the installoptions but :

it seems to be impossible to use this on init

(maybe because the window isnt there already)

if i use it there then the full monitor is used

can this be changed ???

also support for horizontal lines schould be implemented

then it would look like winamp

maybe this can be changed ???

I had the same problem - trying to get InstallOptions to work with .onInit. Felfert released a patch (for v1.67) that added an extra callback which would allow you to do what you want on the first dialog window. Unfortunately I've not been able to apply the patch or find another way of doing it successfully.

You could cheat a little and create 2 installers. The first installer is silent BUT if you use InstallOptions within a section it will display the NSIS window (well, it draws a window in the top left of the screen the size of NSIS but with a "windows flag" icon , so pretty much the same thing). You could write to the registry or a file whatever relevenat information and then use the second installer to read that info and execute applications, etc.

Is that kinda what you're after? It's not the nicest way of doing it but without additional callbacks I really don't know of any other way.

Here's the link for Felfert's patch:

next samll prob.

is it possible to get the dir ,where the installer is located ?

thanks for help

$EXEDIR does the job ;)

~ Florian