Archive: License is not dispolayed in 1.70

License is not dispolayed in 1.70
I installed NSIS and found that license is not get displayed. For example, I added LicenseText "This is license text" into example2.nsi which comes with NSIS 1.70 and compile it. You will not get license dialog when you are running installer compiled.

Here is part of the script of example2.nsi:

; example2.nsi
; This script is based on example1.nsi, but adds uninstall support
; and (optionally) start menu shortcuts.
; It will install notepad.exe into a directory that the user selects,

; The name of the installer
Name "Example2"

; The file to write
OutFile "example2.exe"

; Display License
LicenseText "This is license text"

; The default installation directory
InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\Example2
; Registry key to check for directory (so if you install again, it will
; overwrite the old one automatically)
InstallDirRegKey HKLM SOFTWARE\NSIS_Example2 "Install_Dir"
[FONT=courier new][FONT=times new roman]

You need to use LicenseData to specify the data that goes in the license box.

I also tried LicenseData "license.txt" and it doesn't work. license.txt is the license of NSIS. I compiled example2.nsi under default installation folder of NSIS and run the example2.exe, there is no license dialog.

Please refer to attached example.nsi.txt. Is it something wrong?

Thanks in advance.


you should specify both LicenseText and LicenseData.
(See documentation.)


Hi famel,

you should have a call to both LicenseText and LicenseData in your script.

This is a quote from

LicenseText text [button_text]
Specifies a string that is above the license text. Omit this to not have a license displayed. If button_text is specified, it will override the default button text of "I Agree".

LicenseData licdata.txt
Specifies a text file to use for the license that the user can read. Omit this to not have a license displayed. Note that the file must be in the evil DOS text format (\r\n, yeah!)
~ Florian

Yes! I got it! Thank you all very much!

I thought that I can use one of them... how stupid I am...:-(
NSIS is a great program. InstallShield is also very good but the installer generated by it is too huge!

And NSIS is completely free for any use :)