EditPlus .stx file for NSIS
I have made a .stx file for EditPlus. An .stx file is a sytax highlighting file for EditPlus. I am pretty sure that with a little change it can be used with every other syntax highlighter out there.
Enjoy :D
Archive: EditPlus .stx file for NSIS
EditPlus .stx file for NSIS
I have made a .stx file for EditPlus. An .stx file is a sytax highlighting file for EditPlus. I am pretty sure that with a little change it can be used with every other syntax highlighter out there.
Enjoy :D
Hi kichik,
thank you, I've copied the contents to my usertype.dat and know I have NSIS syntax-hilighting in VC++ :)
~ Florian
Hi kichik,
Add #LINECOMMENT2=# to your stx file... to be compliant with the documentation. ;)
I didn't notice this one... Thanks!
UltraEdit wordfile for NSIS
And in case anyone wants a wordfile (syntax highlighting) for UltraEdit, see the thread http://forums.winamp.com/showthread....545#post444545
Florian: question
How do you add the stx to VC++ (I have v6.0)? I'm not sure how you added it to the dat file (I don't even have one).
Hi Mike,
simply create a usertype.dat in the common\msdev98\bin folder of Visual Studio and add the NSIS-strings to it.
Then change the registry key
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\DevStudio\6.0\Text Editor\Tabs\Language Settings\C/C++\FileExtensions
Then restart VC++ and your nsi- and nsh-files would be full colored :)As this thread been brought up again I fell the need to send in my newest syntax file :D It's for NSIS 1.94