Archive: .onVerifyInstDir


would it be possible to change the function .onVerifyInstDir in such a way, that the event is only triggered when clicking "install"?

Now, when i type my install dir, suddenly the event is triggered and the function will be called (messages etc...) but I (the user) didn't finish typing yet.... Please give him a chance...

So what a like to see:
.onVerifyInstDir only triggered at clicking "Install" and abort will then result in a return to the DirSelectionPage to allow for retyping or re-choosing the $INSTDIR.

I hope this is a nice contribution to your fantastic program!!!

Greetz :)

another problem

more of a problem is when you do the following:
(I found this just a minute ago...)

-type an existing dir: Continue???
-click yes or no doesn't matter...
-then click back (to lisence agreement...)
-then "i agree >" again
-Now the window will not be redrawn and .onVerifyInstDir will be triggered TWICE automatically without getting the chance to correct the instdir...

I think both problems above can be solved by reprogramming the triggering of the event .onVerifyInstDir such that it will not be triggered after something changes in the edit box (with the instdir) but just after the event of clicking "install"

Good luck, thx, Hendri.

I think it would be a better idea to maybe just make a new callback function, like .onClickInstall or something.

I think .onVerifyInstDir should still be called before the install directory page is shown because it allows you to do some advanced detection, like looking for a file.


I agree, your solution would be better to keep the current functionality of .onVerifyInstDir and in the same time solving the problems encountered.

I hope Justin feels the same about this...

Greetz, Hendri.