10th December 2001 18:07 UTC
CreateShortCut start in option ?
Is option to set start in path missing because all rest of options to create fine working shortcut exists.
Problem is that i need to specify start in option different than default, which could look like "C:\Documents and Settings\example\Start Menu\Programs\example" depending of course $outdir settings. In my case i need explicitly set it different than $outdir.
Use case Java application which has manifest specifying class-path containing jar files which are pointing to the startup directory.
Regards, Toni
F. Heidenreich
10th December 2001 18:49 UTC
Maybe you could StrCpy $OUTDIR to $0, set $OUTDIR to your special path, create shortcut and reset $OUTDIR by SetOutPath $0.
~ Florian
11th December 2001 09:12 UTC
Hi Florian,
Otherwise fine idea but $OUTDIR is required to make fully working shortcut. so i can't set it other than it is now.
So i still believe that CreateShortCut function lacks of one or two common options
currently existing ones
why not addd
and another one which is also missing
now we would have all common options which shortcut can have.
Regards, Toni
11th December 2001 18:19 UTC
Toni, the [start_in] string is automatically set to the current OutPath.
Originally posted by tonip Hi Florian,
why not addd [start_in]
Regards, Toni
12th December 2001 13:06 UTC
Okey then maybe someone could give me a hint
SetOutPath "$SMPROGRAMS\example"
;SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\example\Start SMail.lnk" \
"$5\bin\java.exe" \
'-jar -Duser.dir="$INSTDIR" "$INSTDIR\lib\example.jar" start' \
"$INSTDIR\example.ico" 0 SW_SHOWNORMAL
This case works if SetOutPath is exactly same than createshortcut link.lnk
If it is anything else than that installer will say error creating shortcut during installation process.
e.g. here i have SetOutPath pointing to the installation dir that will generate error during installation and shortcut wont't be generated.
So my question still is how to produce a working OUTDIR which is set into the start_in parameter and is different than link.lnk
Regards, Toni
12th December 2001 20:01 UTC
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib"
CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\example"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\example\Start SMail.lnk" \
"$5\bin\java.exe" \
'-jar -Duser.dir="$INSTDIR" "$INSTDIR\lib\example.jar" start' \
"$INSTDIR\example.ico" 0 SW_SHOWNORMAL
Try that.
13th December 2001 11:30 UTC
Thanks Justin it worked fine ..
regard, Toni
14th December 2001 09:37 UTC
Thanks Justin it worked fine ..
regard, Toni