Archive: InstType

i want to use the /customstring Flag within the InstType Options:

InstType /CUSTOMSTRING=userdefined

this works fine but when i type this then the installer aborts :

InstType /CUSTOMSTRING="user defined (only for experts)"

it seems thats because of the spaces in there and the " are ignored ...

can this be changed (maybe in the next release)

or am i again wrong and had made another mistake ???



i have 3 groups
main files(2 sections)
adv. files(3 sections)
extra programs(2 sections)

i want the first two sections required(main files)

maybe there could be an option like

/required in the section ?

and a group of sections would also be fine

ok i can put this in one sction
but it would be nice to have seperate enties there...

and another one :
i can't use tabs in instType strings
can this be included ?
(to have a better layout like
minimal [tab] (cd)
normal [tab] (hd)
then the (..) would be ordered ...

required section
ok i tried to play a little bit with c++

and think i got it
now i can include required items with

SectionREQ true

i added :

a token:

a case

if (!stricmp(line.gettoken_str(1),"true"))
SCRIPT_MSG("required : set true \n");
SCRIPT_MSG("required : set false \n");

and a decission :

if (g_inst_header->no_custom_instmode_flag==1||g_inst_header->section_required==0) SendMessage(hwndList1,LB_SETSEL,(g_inst_section[x].default_state>>m_whichcfg)&1,a);

i hope thats correct so
it seems to work

if anybody needs it


InstType "/CUSTOMSTRING=Whatever my custom string is"


InstType "Poop [tab] CD" or whatnot


ok thanks customstrings works

but the other one
how to describe it ..

aehm look at this :

when i use the tab key then this is the result

(ok the codesnips are not working in this way)

the variable required has to be in the section struct
and the decission has to be more speific and so on ...

from time to time its a little bit hard to get into c++ coed without comments but ...