Is there a way too...
Is there a way to add like an entire directory? instead of doing a bunch of
File /Dir/SubDir/Filename.ext
File /Dir/SubDir/Filename.ext
File /Dir/SubDir/Filename.ext
Like somthin like..?
Dir /Dir/SubDir
Archive: Is there a way too...
Is there a way too...
Is there a way to add like an entire directory? instead of doing a bunch of
File /Dir/SubDir/Filename.ext
File /Dir/SubDir/Filename.ext
File /Dir/SubDir/Filename.ext
Like somthin like..?
Dir /Dir/SubDir
File /r MyDir\SubDir
(writes $INSTDIR\SubDir)
File /r MyDir\SubDir\*.*
(writes $INSTDIR\*.*)