Archive: Filename with spaces for /oname=?

Filename with spaces for /oname=?
When trying to specify a File with /oname= i have the output file with a space in the name (i.e. "some file.exe") and it fails to compile (the input file has a space in it too, but that seems to be fine). as soon as i take out the space, it works. Is there a way to get it to make an output file with a space?

This should work:

StrCpy $0 "$TEMP\some file.txt"
File /oname=$0 "my file.txt"

It seams you can't use quotes when using the /oname tag. I guess this is a bug.

Ahh, great. I shoulda thought of that!
Thanks a bunch!
pesky bugs ;)

You should quote the entire thing, not just the file name.


File "/oname=asd asd asd asd.exe" "myprog.exe"