adding files from subfolders
i am trying to backup my source projects, and there is one problem i've faced in:
when i try to add command:
File /r *.cpp
compiling failes with error message:
File: "*.cpp" -> no files found.
Usage: File (/r filespec [...]|/oname=outfile one_file_only)
Error in script "blah" on line 27 -- aborting creation process
file is not in the root, but subfolder(s) have plenty of them.
is there a nice way to add ALL *.cpp files from the whole subtree to the installer?
something like:
Section "my source"
SetOverwrite ifnewer
File /r *.dsp
File /r *.dsw
File /r *.cpp
File /r *.h
File /r *.hpp
File /r *.ipp
File /r *.def
File /r *.rc
File /r *.rc2
File /r *.res
File /r *.ico
File /r *.bmp
File *.nsi