Archive: InstallOptions GUI

InstallOptions GUI
i have just begun to write a GUI for the InstallOptions program in the /Contrib folder of the NSIS distrib.

It allows you to basically create the form that will appear when you use the InstallOptions program to input user information, then it will write the .ini file for your. That means all you have to do is drag and drop and resize your textboxes, labels, etc without writing a single line of code!

cool eh? :)

A Perfect Companion to SB ... Package it together.


This sounds like it will be really cool. I'm counting on you. Based on what you've done with SB, I'm sure it will kick.

Duane: it will be, definitely. hopefully it will be packaged with the official NSIS releases in the NSIS/contrib/InstallOptions folder.

polaughlin: are you an SB user? Thanks, I'll try to live up to your standards :)


This sounds like a pretty cool idea. Good luck.:)

is there an operational alpha yet? :)

tomorrow there is a possibility of an "operational alpha"; release is dependent upon the amount of sleep i get tonite, and the result of my finals tomorrow.

if this alpha is released, it will not generate any code; it will only show the drag-and-drop system of control placement, and the editing of the control properties.

i only need to code for about three more controls, and then it will be released.


attached is the "prealpha aplha" :)

please note: to drag an item from the Controls menu use the left mouse button; to drag it after it has been placed on the form, use the right mouse button. clicking the left mouse button after a control has been placed on a form will allow you to edit its properties.

many, many things do not work in the early version, and there is no error trapping (none. zip. nada. zilch.), so be careful :)

please tell me what you think :)

well, 18 people have downloaded it.

what do you 18 people think?

will be a great util when finished ;)

Very nice. Very nice.

Good start. :) Will you be releasing the VB source code?

ComboBox dun work

thanks everyone :)

the VB source will most likely be released as source code, since NSIS is opensource and SB is opensource.

as for the combobox, of course it doesn't work! many things dont work yet, but they will in the next version :)


Great work liquidmotion. Always hate trying to figure out coordinates to place controls and such.. this makes it alot easier..

whats the timeline for releases looking like? are you much time into this project?

hopefully, i will stay up late working on it. i have put in about 3 hours of solid work into it so far.

i'll let you know.

It's looking damn good so far liquidmotion. To be honest, I was never much of a SB fan (I'm not saying it wasn't a good piece of work, just I prefered a text editor). This is looking like it could be very useful though. Just now I seem to end up with several thousand combo boxes on top of one another and I can't get rid of them, but it is a alphalpha I suppose. The layout, and the way the prog operates (or will eventually operate) is excellant IMHO. Keep up the good work - it's looking like a very useful tool. :D

Wasn't working too well on WIN2000 but looked promising. I assume there will be a "load" option...

About the only control that could be positioned was the text control. Once positioned it could only be sized by the size entry field, a good start though.


prodangle: is it because the textboxes automatically drop right on top of each other? how would you suggest they drop?

dbareis: regarding the sizing of controls, would you like to be able to drag the corners of the control to resize it? of course there will be a load option, sheesh! :) what was wrong on win2k?

all other opinions and feature requests will be appreciated :)


Originally posted by liquidmotion
prodangle: is it because the textboxes automatically drop right on top of each other? how would you suggest they drop?
After a box has been dropped, there is no way to drag it again (as far as I know) but I imagine that is something you were planning on allowing later on anyway. I think that it's more just a general usability issue than anything else. Maybe best to get it working before you spend any time on my pernickity requests :) That said, it would be nice if boxes were dropped into the closest empty space (if one exists).

I'll say again though, it is a very useful tool. Even as it currently stands, it's a great help for working out positions of text boxes visually. cheers :cool:

dbareis: regarding the sizing of controls, would you like to be able to drag the corners of the control to resize it?
yes that would be nice.

what was wrong on win2k?
All controls seemed to position to the center of the dialog and only the text control could be moved with the mouse pointer.

the text control can be moved by right clicking it, then dragging with the left button. this is some strange quirk with VB i think, but I hope to be able to fix it.

in win98 (my OS) the label, textbox, and combobox can be moved with the pointer. i will try to fit the corner resizing in with a later release :)

thank you.