Joost Verburg
6th January 2002 18:03 UTC
NSIS XP Style bugs
I got troubles with the NSIS XP Style Support.
1. BGBG is enabled and XPSTYLE is enabled >> Generated NSIS installer crash (on every Windows OS)
2. BGBG disabled and XPSTYLE enabled >> works now
3. BGBG enabled and XPSTYLE disabled >> also normal
I'm compiling with MS Visual C++ 6.0 SP5 on Windows 2000 SP2. NSIS version 1.91.
Help! :(
Joost Verburg
6th January 2002 20:35 UTC
It seems to be a problem with multiple recompiles with changed options :eek: I reinstalled NSIS, and I get a XP Style now, and it doesn't crash anymore.
But: when I disable XPStyle again and recompile everything, the XPStyle will not disapear :igor:
7th January 2002 23:07 UTC
Do you clean the release directory before rebuilding NSIS ?
If not, use the Clean command in Build menu.
Joost Verburg
8th January 2002 07:13 UTC
I cleaned it.