easy icon...
Hi, I really like the Nullsoft Installer, (it is the only installer I tried which could handle some thousands of files without ANY problems, Thanks a lot!!!) but I was somehow unhappy about the restriction of the icon to some colors and small size.
Having no knowlegde at all in programming C++, changes in the source were not appreciate for me :-(
But I found a probably much easier way to integrate my colorful icon in the installer, that is with the help of the free Resource-Hacker program. (see http://www.rpi.net.au/~ajohnson/resourcehacker/ for information).
With this program, You can load your just generated installer-executable and change the icon to whatever icon. (.ico file). I used NSIS 1.67 and this procedure worked fine, :-) of course I agree its not a very straightforward way...
Again thanks for developing such a robust installer!