Archive: Feature request: compare DLLs version

Feature request: compare DLLs version
The only thing I miss in NSIS is DLL version checking. Currently I have to use following code:

IfFileExists "$SYSDIR\futuris.bpl" CheckVersion CopyDLL
GetDLLVersion "$SYSDIR\futuris.bpl" $5 $6
GetDLLVersionLocal "..\runtime\futuris.bpl" $7 $8
IntCmp $5 $7 CheckBuild CopyDLL NoAbort
IntCmp $6 $8 NoAbort CopyDLL NoAbort
; copying required DLL

But it all can be changed to:

CompareDLLver "$SYSDIR\futuris.bpl" "..\runtime\futuris.bpl" /
CopyDLL SkipCopying

I belive at one time this function was in nsis but i belive justin removed it cause he could get the same functionality out of small functions in the exehead and doing more work in the script. The same reason why the Netscape plugin and some otehr commands where removed cause they could be done by the script.. here is a nice macro that might make it easier for you to update files.. this is gotten out of the functions.htm file in your NSIS Program Dir.

; UpgradeDLL (macro)
; Updates a DLL (or executable) based on version resource information.
; Input: ${DLL_NAME} = input source file.
; top of stack = full path on system to install file to.
; Output: none (removes full path from stack)
; Usage:
; Push "$SYSDIR\atl.dll"
; !define DLL_NAME atl.dll
; !insertmacro UpgradeDLL

!macro UpgradeDLL
Exch $0
Push $1
Push $2
Push $3
Push $4
GetDLLVersionLocal ${DLL_NAME} $1 $2
GetDLLVersion $0 $3 $4
IfErrors upgrade_${DLL_NAME}
IntCmpU $1 $3 noupgrade_${DLL_NAME} noupgrade_${DLL_NAME} upgrade_${DLL_NAME}
IntCmpU $2 $4 noupgrade_${DLL_NAME} noupgrade_${DLL_NAME}
UnRegDLL $0
File /oname=$0 ${DLL_NAME}
RegDLL $0
Pop $4
Pop $3
Pop $2
Pop $1
Pop $0
!undef DLL_NAME

Is it really required to Unreg a DLL first before registering it again?