Archive: Choosing Sections

Choosing Sections
Is there a way to make it so the user can only choose one section to install. In other words, I want them to make a choice, but only one.

use the InstType /NOCUSTOM which don't allow users to do custom Install types and then have a InstType for each one..

no what he means is can the user select only ONE section from a list of sections... but I can't answer that question :(

Yes i know what he means.. And doing what i said will give the same result.. Removing the Custom makes it so the user can only select what you have setup in the InstType
So do an example like this

Outfile test.exe
InstType "Test1"
InstType "Test2"
InstType "Test3"

Section "App Name Since this Always ON"
;Do install initialise or what not (This just here for place holder since can't deactive it

Section "Test1"
SectionIn 1
;Do what you need for this selection

Section "Test2"
SectionIn 2
;Do what you need here..

Section "Test3"
SectionIn 3
;And again what you need

This is the only way to allow this.. They will only be able to choose the install types that you specified like he asked. And the first one you can use what base files you want to be installed and what extra ones you want.. Or in the case like i use it.. I just use it as a place holder in cause you are using nsis to install something that there is nothing that is always required.

Thank you..that pretty much did what I wanted. :D