Archive: can nsis use A good compress method 7-zip

can nsis use A good compress method 7-zip
7z Format
7z is the new archive format, providing high compression ratio.

The main features of 7z format:

Open architecture.
Ability of using any compression or conversion method.
Supporting files with sizes up to 16000000000 GB.
Unicode file names.
Solid compressing.
Archive headers compressing.
7z has open architecture, so it can support any new compression methods.

Now the following methods are integrated to 7z:
MethodID Description
LZMA It's based on Lempel-Ziv algorithm.
PPMD Dmitry Shkarin's PPMdH with small changes.
BCJ2 (CALL, JUMP, JCC) converter for 32-bit x86 executables.
BZip2 BWT algorithm.
Deflate Lempel-Ziv and Huffman.

Current version of 7z format is beta, so it is possible that format will be changed in future.

Interesting. I downloaded it, and did a few quick and dirty tests with it, compared to winzip 8.1. At first the tests didn't look so good. I zipped up 14 mp3's. Winzip won by a few bytes. And then I went to .exe files, and winzip won again. Then tried a few folders with graphics, and html files. 7-zip won by 13 kb.

i would love to see this option in the future (when it is completely out of beta) the progress they make each beta is excellent it is shaping up to be a wonderful format.

Originally posted by SQwerl
Interesting. I downloaded it, and did a few quick and dirty tests with it, compared to winzip 8.1. At first the tests didn't look so good. I zipped up 14 mp3's. Winzip won by a few bytes. And then I went to .exe files, and winzip won again. Then tried a few folders with graphics, and html files. 7-zip won by 13 kb.
Well, gee, what a surprise. Trying to compress mp3's (already compressed sound) won't work to well. Taking non-compressed files (pictures and web pages) will work fine. So in short words, your test sucks.

7zip uses a ton of different compressors from what I can see... and it is GPLd.. so not very compatible with NSIS..


Re: can nsis use A good compress method 7-zip

Originally posted by hotice
BZip2 BWT algorithm.
Well if it emulates BZip2 it would be nice to see if it is good. Code a version your self and see if it will work.


Originally posted by justin
and it is GPLd.. so not very compatible with NSIS..
7-Zip is LGPL'd, so it's compatible with NSIS I think...

if there is anyway we can make it work it would be sweet