Archive: Quick File Read ?

Help! Quick FileRead ?
why is this not reading the first line and printing it out?

FileOpen $7 "$INSTDIR\down.txt" r
FileRead $7 $8
FileClose $7
DetailPrint $8

i know people are reading this and it has to be something with my use of variables, need to finish up this prioject tonight so even if you just have an idea please help out.

Sorry Kreft, I just tried the code myself, examined the documentation, and I can't find anything wrong with it. If I ever used the file I/O commands I'd be able to help you.

Looks like a bug to me... Justin?

sorry :(

i entered some debug code and those lines werent getting exectuted :(

it was following a succesful download of that file but even though the download looked to go well for somereason it wasnt so that code wasnt the problem... the mistakes you make on no sleep.... again sorry about the thread

Perhaps you should check the error flag (IFErrors) to see if the file exists first. The code worked fine for me.

I suppose I should have tried it with a file larger than zero bytes. :D

I just assumed that my CONFIG.SYS file would have something in it. There's Windows XP for you.