Archive: For those looking for a NSIS Editor with Syntax Highlighting

For those looking for a NSIS Editor with Syntax Highlighting
see my sig....

notice the link in my sig: does the same thing (color support in v1.0b, language packs, etc).


I know...
Thats right, you have a sig to, :) I've tried yours ummmmm let me see what version I have. I've got v0.0.31, it doesn't work....some things are missing, and when you load a script file, it doesn't find all the commands right [course that could be cause I didn't make it with slate blue :)] And I can't find the color syntax part...all I see is the script editor at the bottom, with no color. And when I click detach script it won't even let me put anything in the box its empty. A couple of the commands don't have any options when you double click on them, and it won't let me enter in the values.

And I get a bunch of errors when closing it, so I decide not to use it, no offense of course, I like the interface and style. But its not what I want, and you never know there may be others out there like me.

I just thought I would add another program to the bunch, don't get so crazy because someone else made a program that functions like yours...I'm not asking for donations or anything, so you can have all the money that someone would send...:)

But anyways thanks for the 'feedback' I've tried all the editors and crap I could find and didn't like any of them so I made one.

If you want to add color syntax highlighting easily, theres a control called CodeMax that lets you load language file [that you make] and it will do all the color work for ya. Just thought I would let ya know.

LOL, I just found your version 1.0b, update your sig link, to point to your site download, I downloaded an OLD OLD version from ZDNet or something [thats what your sig points to], thats probably why I hate it so much....

Let me download the new one and I'll tell ya what I think :)

I like the new version...
I like v1.0 much better, but still no color, on startup and opening script [script parsing progress] I get "An error has ocurred while calling the API function"

Just thought that you should know, but like the new style and options.

Hey Liquidmotion
Just to be clear, I'm not badmouthing you or your program, it kindof sounds like that...sometimes I'm to blunt :)

But I just thought you would like some feedback as to why someone like me doesn't like it all that much.

Just like all I ask of the users that download mine, If you don't like it tell me why, flame me, curse me, whatever just tell me why so I know what I need to improve apon.

Ok, just didn't want to end this post in bad terms with another programmer, so take it easy and if ya try NSIS Editor then drop me a line either in the forums here or at my email address and tell me your opinion...


i realize you are not bad-mouthing SB.

thanks for clearing that up, i was ready to bust a cap :)