Archive: Move files from CD to disk

Move files from CD to disk
If I want to create an installer that merely copies files from my CD onto the disk, can I do this without having them all sucked into the installer.exe? I'd rather have a small installer that merely copies files. Is there an elegant way to do this?

Also, you create shortcuts using CreateShortCut. How do you get rid of a shortcut when you're doing the uninstall?

See the CopyFiles function in the nsis doc.



Copies files from the source to the destination on the installing system. Useful with $EXEDIR if you want to copy from installation media, or to copy from one place to another on the system. Uses SHFileOperation, so the user might see a status window of the copy operation if it is large (to disable this, use /SILENT). The last parameter specifies how big the copy is (in kilobytes), so that the installer can approximate the disk space requirements. On error, or if the user cancels the copy (only possible when /SILENT was omitted), the error flag is set. If /FILESONLY is specified, only files are copied.


The Delete function will also delete the ShortCuts
