Tricky one (so all you experts can show off)
When I start my installer, I get first this error:
error reading installer info block
then when I click OK, this:
Installer Verification Failed
This could be the result of an incomplete download, a failing disk, or (possibly) corruption from a virus.
You can try to force an install using the /NCRC command line switch (but it is not recommended).
The script is simple (maybe it has something to do with that so you can read the really short script):
Name "Remake Drive (F)"
OutFile "Remake Drive (F).exe"
Icon ../folder.ico
SilentInstall silent
CRCCheck on
Section -req
ReadRegStr $1 "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\XEIKONdesign\Make Drive\AssignedLetters" "F"
ReadRegStr $3 "HKLM" "SOFTWARE\XEIKONdesign\Make Drive\Paths" "F"
ExecWait "$WINDIR\Command\subst.exe $1: $3"
OK can anyone solve this bastard of a problem?