26th January 2002 01:26 UTC
Install components/sections from the internet?
I have an application that is fairly static except for configuration files that change quite often. What I'd like to do is have the installer install the application and have a section that points to a URL where the latest and greatest configuration files can be installed from.
There are many reasons I don't make the application check for new config files on startup so that is not an option.
Has anyone used NSIS for this type of install?
26th January 2002 01:42 UTC
Forgot to rtfm
It looks like this has already been covered. Somehow I missed the other threads :-(
Sorry 'bout that
F. Heidenreich
26th January 2002 11:26 UTC
You could use the NSIS extension DLL NSISdl for downloading files during install process. It's located in the contrib/NSISdl directory and a ships with a small example in Readme.txt.
~ Florian
27th January 2002 21:28 UTC
Install components/sections from the internet?
Thanks Florian
That sounds like just what I need. I'll check it out :-).
Does it handle authentication? I'll find out for myself in a couple of hours but maybe someone else is wondering...
29th January 2002 00:12 UTC
i use
File /oname=$TEMP\nsdtmp09.dll nsisdl.dll
Push ""
CallInstDLL $TEMP\nsdtmp09.dll download
Delete $TEMP\nsdtmp09.dll
StrCmp $0 "success" successful
StrCmp $0 "cancel" cancelled
DetailPrint "Download failed: $0"
DetailPrint "Default INI Used"
File "D:\Program Files\NSIS\hi\file.ini"
goto done
DetailPrint "Download cancelled"
DetailPrint "Default INI Used"
File "D:\Program Files\NSIS\hi\file.ini"
goto done
DetailPrint "INI Download successful"
goto done