Bugfixes and Features for 1.95
Hi Justin, Michael and all others,
Attached is a ZIP containing 7 patches against version 1.95, some of them are bugfixes, the rest are features. The file nsis-all.patch contains all nsis-*.patch files.
Here are the Details:
File: nsis-logsupport.patch BugFix: compilation error when NSIS_SUPPORT_LOG is enabled.
File: nsis-varcall.patch BugFix: When using the following construct in uninstall context:
GetFunctionAddress $0 un.myFunction
call $0
makensis complains about a missing "un." prefix of the $0 argument
File: nsis-usercontext.patch Feature: Adds a new command "UserContext" with the following syntax:
UserContext <all|current>
which can be used on NT/W2K for switching all uservariables related to shell folders ($SMPROGRAMS, $DESKTOP etc.) between their HKLM and HKCU version. Useful for installers having the option for installing something for all users.
File: nsis-envfallback.patch Feature: If an undefined ${...} style variable is referenced, makensis looks up the name in the current environment and uses this value. If it does not exist, then the old behavior is used.
File: nsis-bgbitmap.patch Feature: Implements a way to have a background bitmap without using a (modified) splash.exe. This is implemented in two parts:[list=1][*]Introducing a pair of new callbacks .onBg/un.onBg which are called before running the bg initialization.[*]If, during bg initialization, a file named $TEMP/_bgtmp.bmp exists, it is displayed instead of the normal background. The title is then drawn on top of this image.[/list=1]
For convenience, there is also a new command "BgBitmap <something.bmp>" which creates an equivalence of the following function declarations:
Function .onBg
SetOutPath $TEMP
File /oname=_bgtmp.bmp something.bmp
Function un.onBg
SetOutPath $TEMP
File /oname=_bgtmp.bmp something.bmp
File: iodll-windowicon.patch (for InstallOptions.dll) Feature: If the WindowIcon attribute of NSIS is on, display the proper icon in the dialog's upper left corner.
File: nsis-all.patch
Like mentioned above, contains all of the nsis-* patches.
It would be very nice, if you could apply these in the next release.