28th January 2002 03:13 UTC
please Tell me!! help me!!
I can not English Very well.
I want to closeing MYSQL daemon.
please Tell me. help.
Function CloseWinamp
Push $0
FindWindow $0 "Winamp v1.x" <== How Can i set...
IntCmp $0 0 done
SendMessage $0 16 0 0
Sleep 100
Goto loop
Pop $0
28th January 2002 07:19 UTC
Just, I want to Know... Mysql Daemon.
How do i know... MySQL Daemon State. (RUNning? OR Not RUNning)
If (MySQL daemon == running) Sending SQL query To MySQL server.
else message "Please Running MySQL Daemon"
<= please teach me. help me.
How can i know MySQL Daemon State.
28th January 2002 11:23 UTC
MySQL cannot be shutdown with out the Admin not approving it. I don't know why, buy it can not be shut down by alternative computer functions ... Don't ask. But it cannot be done.
28th January 2002 12:54 UTC
Shure it can ;)
mysqladmin --user=<adminuser> --password=<adminpassword> shutdown
I've sent him a bunch of NSIS examples already by mail...