please post all comments about Slate Blue
I need to catalogue the comments from you, the users of Slate Blue, for the science fair. Please post any/all of your comments in this thread.
I need to get a lot of comments :)
thanks a million!
Archive: please post all comments about Slate Blue
please post all comments about Slate Blue
I need to catalogue the comments from you, the users of Slate Blue, for the science fair. Please post any/all of your comments in this thread.
I need to get a lot of comments :)
thanks a million!
I have no idea what slate blues is. I downloaded it and tried to install but nothing happened. Just a bunch of files on the desktop, I had no idea what to do with them
slate blue is a gui for NSIS.
get it and let me know!
i think its nothing for beginners ...
if somebody dont know
where to put what he would fail
why u dont use nsis as installer ????
tss tss
i do use nsis, and i thought that i am pretty fair at using it
oh, and how do you use it
How about this lm:
"Slate Blue is a robust IDE for the Nullsoft Install System (NSIS) and Dan has done an awesome job. I always use it and it has helped me with some of the arduous tasks that I as a developer has needed."
If you need a contact, use this email address: .
at least you care Duane.
BTW, how is the PHP? :)
the 1.0b version that i got was only a selfextracting exe
maybe it was the wrong exe i got
yepp its cool too to have at one time all possible functions
but it would be better to have the tree in another way
so that u have a filelist where u can drop all the files and then select which section there are in
and then have the choice what options the section should have
the sorting should be seperated :
one for generals
one for sections
one for uninstall
one for registry
and one for experts like dlls (ui..)