Install Options Tools
Okay, I did an update to Install Option Control Placement Tools, and I was going to do more, but after really looking into the code I about died. It was a mess, so me, being the programmer I am, rewrote the entire thing from scratch using my own coding style and routines. I am even workin on the ability to load ini files and work on them! The program works similar to ioCPT, but I think I made it easier to use for one, and included everything you can do with Install Options. Currently you can only place the components, resize components, and delete components. (And of course save the ini file.) Some of the advanced functionality is in the works (if you open it in a resource hacker and strech the dialog and then strech the control information frame you will see what I am talking about. Anyway in making this program I was shoting for 2 things: faster, smaller! And I think so far I have achieved them both. Uncompressed ibIOT is 12kb smaller then ioCPT (compressed with UPX it is just shy of 20kb smaller), contains more functionality, and runs faster (IMO).
Anyway save it as an exe as I just renamed it to zip so it would upload 8) Please tell me what you think, and report any bugs. I will try to get the load functionality in first, then I will work on everything else.