Archive: NSIS Workbench questions

NSIS Workbench questions
First of all, Marc you've done a great really job!:up:

I've tried a couple of GUI's and this one worked right out of the box.
Others I've tried were bugging me with runtime error and other strange

Q: When you use the wizard to create a new project, it uses the old method for Uninstall.
UninstallExeName "Uninst.exe" instead of WriteUninstaller "uninst.exe"

Is there a way to change the wizards behavior for this?
Second, is there a 'smart' way to change / add new functions into the functions field so it's up to date with the latest version of NSIS?

Would be nice with an version variable that reflects which version of NSIS functions that are supported.

I hope I made some sence, my english is a bit rusty.


Hi plaztic,

since this link does not work anymore, I think Marc doesn't develop NSIS Workbench anymore unfortunately. I already ask him to update the program for NSIS 1.96 commands and instructions. He would try to make free some time to invest in NSIS Workbench. I think we should conclude he hasn't found time.

Maybe he will supply the source code at the forum, so that one of us can keep developing NSIS Workbench. I agree that this is a great GUI, also because of integrated help for NSIS commands and compilation.

Greetz, Hendri.

Hi Smile2me.

Regarding the link, change it to:

Edit WebUpdate.ini and remove ndirect from the url.

Seems that he moved to Techmarc's official website.



Indeed, the site moved, but I do not get a response to my e-mail, so I assume support stopped.
