Archive: Customizing check-mark icons

Customizing check-mark icons
I would like to customize the check-mark icons that are used by NSIS when the user selects which parts of the package to install. They seem to be distributed with NSIS in the files bitmap1.bmp and bitmap2.bmp.

However nothing happens when I change these bitmaps and recompile my package. I expected the changes to be picked up by makensis.exe. Am I expecting too much?

Thanks for a great tool, btw. Just what I needed. Have tried lots of those heavy gui type of installation tools. They suck and won't do the job anyway.


Lars Ejnar


use the commands EnabledBitmap and DisabledBitmap to set the bitmaps.
Take a look at NSIS Documentation.

Good luck, greetz,

Thanks for reply.

I realized that my question was for sure in the RTFM catagory right after posting it. Tried to delete it from the forum but with no luck.
