Archive: Dumb Newbie question, but....

Dumb Newbie question, but....
Hi folks, this may be a dumb question, but all i want to do is extract a few graphics files and set one of them to the background image in a Windows 9x,2K or NT environment. Can this be done through registry entries, and if so, will the machine have to be rebooted to take effect?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Dumb Newbie question, but....

Originally posted by PoppaJay
Hi folks, this may be a dumb question, but all i want to do is extract a few graphics files and set one of them to the background image in a Windows 9x,2K or NT environment. Can this be done through registry entries
At keast the "old style" backgrounds can be set via registry, I think the registry will also work for the active destkop, but I am not sure at the moment.

and if so, will the machine have to be rebooted to take effect?
The background change can be made w/o reboot, but you will need to call a WIN32 function (if using "old style" backgrounds) or communication via COM interface (if using active desktop) for this, both cant be done with NSIS, so you'll need a small app for that.


"new style" backgrounds can be set on the ActiveDesktop using a vbs script using AddDesktopComponent. Removal is easy: just delete the regsettings for the installed background from HKCU ... Internet Explorer\Desktop\Components\[number]

I'll post a script later, no time right now...

Good luck, greetz,

Here's the script.

It's actually the script for my program ToDoList.
Take a look on my homepage:

Good luck, greetz,

Can't delete
Sorry can't delete it. So it' here....

What is it you can't delete?

The document on the active desktop?

Well take a look at the script. Search the registry HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\Components\$0" where $0 is some value from 1 to ...
Check the "source" in this key. If the source is of your program, just delete the entire map of keys. So delete HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\Components\1" if it's the first active desktop component. Then restarting windows (reboot or restart) will update the active desktop and the document will have disappered.

This answers the question?

Greetz, Hn3.

So did it work out???