Archive: Excluding Files

Excluding Files

Is there a possibilty to exclude files from the wild card list?
E.g. for excluding local configuration.

A syntax like following could be used, if being implemented:

File /r c:\application1\files\*.* /x host.ini

Comments ?


Re: Excluding Files

Originally posted by superrock
A syntax like following could be used, if being implemented:

File /r c:\application1\files\*.* /x host.ini

Comments ?
I would really like to see this, too - thats more or less what I've planned with the "Pattern" function in NSISplus, but an implementation in makeNSIS would be the more efficient solution, of course.

For flexibility, this could be implemented the way command-line compression software does it:

* Specifying the file(s)you want to exclude/include
* Specifying the name of a text file that lists the files you wish to exclude, including wildcards.