Archive: a few suggestions

a few suggestions
hi, here are a few suggestion for the next version of this awesome app :)

1. add support for high-res/color icons
2. add support for the new default font introduced in winxp (tahoma) or make the font completely customizable
3. splash screens would be nice :)

if any of these are already available im sorry, im relatively new to nsis :D


hmmm i just noticed a splash.exe in the nsis dir, maybe thats what im looking for, how do i use it? :)

Hi Greeny,

take a closer look at NSIS Documentation and this Forum!

Splash screen support is available in your local dir. Patches have been posted for high res icon support, just use search. Maybe also one for the font, I wouldn't know. Just create one yourself. The source is in your local NSIS dir.


About splash, take a look at splash.txt in the contrib\splash dir.

ok sorry i figured out about the splash thing 5 mins after i posted the thread :p

thanks anyway

remember if you use hi res icons then your install will be bigger. But if you don't care then don't worry, keep in mind the people you are distibuting you app to over the internet. there's still 56k out there.