Archive: PIMP Installer question.

PIMP Installer question.
18 How do you make it create a folder or just make it archive the damn thing?

please explain your problem...because it makes no sense

when you set an installation directory NSIS will create the directory itself, upon activation

So it dosent ask if you want to create it?....

If so heres my Pimp file

[Start File]
Name Idiot boxv1.0
OutFile idiotboxv1.exe
DefaultDir C:\Program Files\Winamp\plugins\avs
AddFile C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\AVS\idiot box\*.avs
Text This will install The idiot box v1.0.
[end file]

If you could edit that and make it where it creates the folder and installs to C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\AVS\Idiot Box

Name "idiot box v1.0"
OutFile "idiotbox10.exe"

; Some default compiler settings (uncomment and change at will):
; SetCompress auto ; (can be off or force)
; SetDatablockOptimize on ; (can be off)
; CRCCheck on ; (can be off)
; AutoCloseWindow false ; (can be true for the window go away automatically at end)
; ShowInstDetails hide ; (can be show to have them shown, or nevershow to disable)
; SetDateSave off ; (can be on to have files restored to their orginal date)

InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Winamp\plug-ins\AVS\"
InstallDirRegKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\idiot box v1.0" ""
DirShow show ; (make this hide to not let the user change it)
DirText "Select the directory to install myApp in:"

Section "" ; (default section)
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
; add files / whatever that need to be installed here.
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\idiot box v1.0" "" "$INSTDIR"
SectionEnd ; end of default section

; eof

edit this for your settings and add your files
compile it and it should work

I think they mean, PiMP not, NSIS. I played with PiMP if indeed that is the installer they are using, and i had no luck whatsoever. Probably my own error. But anyway, I would recommend using NSIS instead.

Umm, Try putting the text function before the DefaultDir tag.

You can see this in my psc script. It runs fine.
