Function IsSilentMode
After adding a splash panel to my install, my testers complained that the splash panel was shown even if they specified /S (silent mode) on the command line. I guess this can be a common problem, so I enclose the function I created to handle it.

; IsSilentInstall
; By Nils-Morten Nilssen
; Returns on top of stack
; 0 (Not silent mode Commandline did not contain " /S")
; or
; 1 (User specified silent mode on command line)
; NOTE: You cannot use this function to test on SilentInstall=silent
; But in that case you already KNOW, so why test?
; Usage:
; Call IsSilentInstall
; Pop $0
; ; $0 is now "1" if silent mode was specified on commandline
; ; We can use this to suppress the splash pane
; IntCmp 1 $0 AfterSplash
; SetOutPath $TEMP
; File splash.bmp
; File splash.exe"
; ExecWait '"$TEMP\splash.exe" 5000 $HWNDPARENT $TEMP\splash'
; Delete $TEMP\splash.exe
; Delete $TEMP\splash.bmp
; AfterSplash:

Function IsSilentInstall
Push $0
Push $1
Push $2
Push $3
StrCpy $3 0
StrCpy $2 $CMDLINE
; $1=tmp
; $3=cnt
StrCpy $1 $CMDLINE 3 $3
StrCmp $1 " /S" found
StrCmp $1 "" notfound
IntOp $3 $3 + 1
Goto loop
StrCpy $0 0
goto done
StrCpy $0 1
goto done
Pop $3
Pop $2
Pop $1
Exch $0