Archive: Can MessageBox text be formated?

Can MessageBox text be formated?
I'd like to use MessageBox with a formated message that includes <CrLf>. Is there a way to do this? I'd like something like this:

Do you want to overwrite file PsgStats.xml?
Yes: Overwrite (you will lose changes)
No: Keep previous changes
Cancel: Abort installation

I believe this should do the trick:

`Do you want to overwrite file PsgStats.xml?$\r$\n
Yes: Overwrite (you will lose changes)$\r$\n
No: Keep previous changes$\r$\n
Cancel: Abort installation`

Thanks for the "rapid response" You guys are GOOD!
Prov 15:23 (NIV) A man finds joy in giving an apt reply-- and how good is a timely word!

It works great. I was even able to combine this with the '\' continuation character to get just what I was looking for.

MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "InvStats.xml exists: \
$\r$\nYes=Overwrite (Progress and How Often to Recite lost) \
$\r$\nNo=Keep Current File" IDYES StatsOverwrite IDNO StatsNoOverwrite

Thx for the help. Nsis is one of the nicer utilities to work with because of the outstanding support and user/developer participation. :-)

Just an update ... I asked the question as followup to a related question and got a slightly different response advising $\n ... both work fine ... I wonder if there are circumstances where one is preferred over the other ...

Thx Rainwater ... works great ... you guys are GOOD!

I asked this separately and got an answer to use $\r$\n, which also works. $\n seems simpler ... is there a preference of one over the other in certain circumstances?

"Inquring minds want to know" :rolleyes: