Archive: thanks NSIS!

thanks NSIS!
The other day i thought that it would nice that when i login to my Win2k machine that i would be kind of cool to have IE and one of my winamp3 playlists startup automatically. So i first tried to do this with a batch file but the problem with that was that it would execute the first app which ever one it was but wouldn't execute the second until the first was closed. But then i had a bright idea right when i was getting ready to scrap the whole idea. I use NSIS for some other apps that i distribute and the Exec command so i made a quick script

CRCCheck off
SilentInstall silent
OutFile "IE and Winamp.exe"
icon "biz.ico"
Section running
execShell open "Z:\playlists\coolwa3.bpl"
exec "F:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE"

and this solved the little prob. so thank nsis for the alternative to a batch file.

If i did want to do the batch file again how could i do that with the given info that i have provided in the nsis script above? any sugggestions would be appriciated!:)

Yeah, indeed,

NSIS is great for small powerfull apps and utilities.
I created a utility with NSIS too.



The app I created with NSIS.

It got 4 cows on

Soon available at that site, yet available at my site :)


I have been using NSIS for a while now and I find it is better to do other tedious things with NSIS than to code it yourself with C++. It is awesome.


This is completely off of the top of my head, without any researching. But couldn't you have just put those items in the startup folder? (perhaps that is not the correct term, but it will auto-start any app.)

i guess that i missworded my first post./
I meant to say that when i am on my puter and already logged on and have already been doing of there stuff, then when i decide to run IE and open a playlist in winamp3. How would i do that with a batch file. just to see if it runs fast than NSIS.

easy. sort of anyway :)
For winamp 2* play lists

start "c:/program files/winamp/winamp.exe" MySongs.m3u
start iexplore.exe

Worked just fine. Then I switched over to Winamp3. Windows didn't recognize the song list extension "bpl". So I got an error. But it should work, if windows recognizes which prog to open that file type with.
I am using XP Pro

thanx SQwerl that worked great, but NSIS stills starts things faster than the batch what should i use?

The NSIS is a little bigger in file size but way faster
The Batch File is way smaller but a little slower than NSIS

Yeah I noticed it was slow when I tried it.

If you have space to spare, stay with NSIS definitely.

yeh plenty of room sticking with NSIS:) ;) :winamp: :D :cool:

Smile2Me -- I just visited your homepage and noticed you were doing an econometrics and Operational Research course ..
I am starting a masters in Mathematics, Operational Research and Economics this September at Warwick (in the UK) ;)

Hi pjw62,

it's nice to meet a fellow Econometrics & OR student. But this is not really the place to chat about Econometrics, so if you want, you can contact me about it by e-mail.

BTW, what's your field of interest?

Good luck with Econometrics, have fun,
greetz, Hendri.