Archive: Sections question...

Sections question...
Is it possible to check/uncheck sections programatically? What I would like to do is save registry entries to indicate which sections a user has selected during the install. Then, if/when they perform an upgrade, I'd like to read the registry entries to dynamically check or uncheck the sections to be the same as when they ran the previous install.

Is this possible?

Any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

No it is not possible to do this at runtime.. This has been requested a few times before but noone has ever tried to implement it at all.. I would sure like to see this feature. I tried to implement it at one time but failed to get it done.. Cause couldn't figure out the Custun list flags etc and how to get them select/unselect from the default..

mmh, maybe i dont really understand the problem, but it sounds possible to me. each section can write an entry to the registry, unselected sections won't do that naturally. when you run your update you can read the entry from the registry and skip it if it matches a defined value...

Yes, I understand that I can skip sections. But, I want to be able to show the sections as unchecked, so the person installing the update realizes that they will be skipped, and doesn't (think they) need to uncheck the unwanted sections.

maybe don't think in sections then. you could have one section that reads the registry and then use InstallOptions that comes with NSIS (nsis\installoptions). if you can't use all this in one section you could still create an installer for each section, executed by InstallOptions. this is of course not very elegant, but it will do for the time until there's better ways..

Section enable & disable
Hi Dvanill,

I implemented such an extension to Nsis 1.95. It works properly. So I am using it for professional installation.

For further details see:

There you'll find the sources and the description. The binary version
can be downloaded from

I hope Justin will implement it in a future version.

I would like to see this added to NSIS because I would like my installer to remember previous flag options.. this way, for example, a user upgrading my software doesn't have to go through the custom installation options each time.

Thanks Andreas, that is exactly what I was looking for. I had already implemented a solution using the InstallOptions extension. Now, I have two equally viable solutions to choose from.

Thanks everyone for your answers.

Can these patches be applied to nsis 1.96 without problems? cause i would like to try this functionality out in 1.96 but if i have to use 1.95 to get this then that isn't a problem at all.

Patch only for Nsis 1.95
Hi Schultz!

Sorry for my late reply. I stayed a week in the wonderful Tuskany/Italy.

I had a short look on it. It does not seem to work. Please download my Makensis 1.95 exe file from :

I will try to generate the patches for Nsis 1.96 later on, if you are interested?

ya i would be interested in it.. And i can't seem to download the file off that ftp site that you posted a link to.

Try other address
Hi Schultz,

Please try my mirror address if the above address ist not reachable: