Archive: NSIS Wishlist

NSIS Wishlist
I am surprised to be there is not a wishlist already for NSIS.

It is not really a pure NSIS item as I only use the ZIP 2 NSIS EXE converter. (updating hundreds of files in a zip every day or two it is the only sensible option as it is far too time consuming for me to write it all in NSIS (from what I know anyway). If someone knows a way just as easy then please enlighten me.:))

I would like more ZIP2EXE options.

* Create templates for NSIS from the ZIP2EXE. This way I can manually tweak the scripts for my own needs.

* Add license screen options for the exe's created.

* Multiple directories installation support.

And anything else that my be useful.

Anyway no-one hear probably cares about ZIP2EXE but for some of us it is the only option. We are the 'third class' citizens of NSIS. (/random rant Why do I always get involved in what he rest of the Winamp community see a 'third class'. Geez I am even a 'third class mod'./end random rant):)

I hope someone out there will read this and take note.

Thanks in advance,


I don't know if you have read the Make NSIS html file that is in you NSIS installation dir but all of this is possible plus a whole lot more. the only thing that i don't know about would be changing mass files in the script. that would and can be time consumming as far as i know. :winamp: :)

? bballer. I do not understand? Where in the NSIS documentation can I configure the ZIP2EXE? Have I missed something.

ZIP2EXE does not even create a NSI template file for me.

I have large (as in hundreds of small text files) zips for my MilkDrop presets and they are updated most days with new text files added to it. SO I need the quickest solution possible.

The only sensible way for me is to use the ZIP2EXE which works ok but it could be so much better with the options I have listed.

Are you saying that the ZIP2EXE can do this? I can find no documentation for ZIP2EXE.

You should once make an NSIS script. Using script "all of this is possible plus a whole lot more". Once you created a script, just recompile everytime the program/text files change.

as it is far too time consuming for me to write it all in NSIS (from what I know anyway)
If you take a look at some examples in your local NSIS dir, you'll see that scripts can be really short. Eg: scripts that mimic the behavior of a zip2exe exe are really short and can be easily extended with everything you listed.

Good luck,

Here's a small script that mimics zip2exe. extract the files to a dir. Then there will be a subdir "Files" If you would zip this dir and convert it to exe, it would result in almost the same exe as done with the script. Use this script as a template to do more advanced things for the installer.


I see what you mean Rovastar. Yes it would be nice for those items to be implemented, but I would like to expand on that. I would love to see a ZIP2NSI file creator. Something that would read the Zip File and create a NSI file to edit and place more stuff in the file and then use it with any other type of created NSIS version from other people. That would be tight.


Since a zipfile cannot contain more information than the files and dirs themselves what you are referring to is some sort of GUI or Wizard. These things already exist. The only step necessary to take is to extract the files from the zip and use the Wizard to do the generating part.
Or use the template posted earlier to contruct a first installer and build the necessary things into it.

To address your point Duane Zip2Nsi: since zipfiles only contain data, the best this zip2nsi can do is contruct the script I posted. Other things can be added with a wizard if you don't want to use Notepad :)

But this is just my opinion... :)


But what if I am working on something that has more than 200 files in it and the easier thing to do is create a zip, then use ZIP2EXE to create a (limited) exe. It would be nice to have a NSI file so that little updates can made and some code fixes and the options to add an Icon or a licence would be great.

But I just realized something .... I could use the nsisconf.nsi file to use icons and other things ... Damn, I'm stupid.


that's indeed possible.
Maybe someone feels attracted to programming a new wizard that can do the things you want. It's like encorporating the reading of zipfiles into NSISXpress. But if the files still need to be zipped, why not skipping that process and just one time create a little script and just recompile this if necessary. That's what i'm doing with my programs (ok, at most 40 files, but the idea is still the same!).


ZIP2EXE actually creates a NSI file in Temp directory. You can copy it during script compilation (yes, it executes makensis.exe) to another directory.

Yes, a "Save script" button is welcome. I suggest also a "Create Uninstall Section" checkbox.

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A wishlist would be very useful but someone must manage it.

A wishlist can prevent this forum from many already asked questions. A sort of ranking (like the bug-parade SUN offers for Java) can give Justin and other developers many useful informations about the users priorities.

Since I'm the moderator now, I should manage such a list. I will first investigate if Justin actually feels for implementing new ideas. Otherwise the list will be useless.



Justin always seems to be open to suggestions, and even if he isn't, we have the source, we can add them, release them as branches and put them in the FAQ...